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Showing posts from February, 2018


Hello! Welcome to our student blog. Eileen, Lilian and I will be writing to you over the remainder of the semester about our experience in PPD 371. The class is titled Non-profits and the Public Sector and throughout the course we will have the opportunity to give a grant from Learning by Giving to a nonprofit. However, it isn’t easy. In our assigned groups, we have had to find common values that we can all agree upon to guide our grantmaking process, then we will research nonprofits based off of that and finally present the one we most want to receive it, present the organization and the grant to our class, who will act as a board and we will collectively vote on a nonprofit to receive the grant. We are given 10,000 and could split it up if we want to, so that’s where it gets tricky. We decided as a class to design our grants as if we get the whole grant, but we do have to let our nonprofits know, that this may not be the case. A few weeks ago we were given our grou